About Locationeo's Comprehensive Dataset

Discover our extensive dataset of 200 million places, designed for mapping, GIS, and analysis. We empower businesses with valuable insights and tools for informed decision-making.

a person holding a map in their hand
a person holding a map in their hand



Trusted by Experts


Our Projects

Explore our innovative mapping and GIS data solutions today.

a large ball that is sitting on the ground
a large ball that is sitting on the ground
Data Insights

Unlock powerful insights from our extensive dataset offerings.

a black and white photo of a map
a black and white photo of a map
aerial photography of city during daytime
aerial photography of city during daytime
a person sitting in a car holding a map
a person sitting in a car holding a map
Mapping Solutions

Transform your analysis with our comprehensive place datasets.

The dataset transformed our mapping projects, providing invaluable insights and efficiency for our analysis.

John Doe

woman sitting in terrace
woman sitting in terrace
a close up of a wooden box with a metal handle
a close up of a wooden box with a metal handle
